Confidence: A Feeling Of Self Assurance [Watch FREE Video Clip]

Confidence - LB


We all hear the word confidence, but let’s be honest, each of us have to do a little work at becoming more confident in our own identity, gifts, and callings. In order to reach the desired well-balanced success in life we must develop a healthy view and image of ourselves. Each of us must develop the ability to feel good about who we are, without diving into the trap of the bad ego, so that we can accomplish our goals. I believe that confidence is a gateway to the type of success that we all desire for our lives personally and in business. I like this definition of confidence:

A feeling of self assurance arising from one’s appreciation for one’s own abilities and qualities.

We hear about confidence in so many places. In corporate, we hear about how important it is to be confident as an employee, manager, or director of your team. I can remember receiving advice about being confident during my interviews when I first entered into corporate America. For those who attend faith-based ministries, we hear about how to have confidence in prayer. I remember in youth group I learned about how we can boldly and confidently lay our cares and worries at the alter. Therefore, confidence is a word that many of us have heard many times. But how many of you know, that sometimes it takes work to get there in certain areas of our lives? *I have both of my hands raised with you!* 🙂

Check out this short clip from our 1st Facebook Live where I shared with viewers a few tips I have learned about success or your can CLICK HERE to watch this video.


Confidence is an indispensable part of your personal development, progress and success.  Having confidence is the crux that allows you to achieve your true potential in whatever situation; in your relationships, your work or career, your finances and your self-image.

Experiencing a lack of confidence may hinder you from the life that you desire. This feeling of lack of confidence can be the root of many complications and hardships that block you from achieving your desires.


In the same way that you have learned to lack confidence, you can also learn to have unlimited confidence. Once you improve on the way you think and feel about yourself, your beliefs and your actions will follow. You will confidently overcome the challenges that life thrusts upon you and you will manage them with new-found belief and faith in your capability to do so.

As you become more confident you abandon worry, hesitation and, more importantly, you side-step fear. The focus here is on your whole being, every part of you; your thoughts, the images in your mind, your emotions, and ultimately your behavior and the actual outcomes in your life.

There is great power in believing that you can succeed in your quest for greater confidence. With awareness and consistency, this is attainable. Your confidence can stretch beyond any measurable scale and further still, knowing no boundaries.

Just think what you can do when you have great confidence in who you are!

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