Are You Feeling Stuck?

Are you feeling stuck in your current situation in life? Do you feel as though things are not going according to plan? Well, let’s take a journey on how to realize your true potential in every stage of your life.

Each of our lives have a significant purpose. We are uniquely designed and created for the journey called life. It is up to each individual to discover what that magnificent calling would be. Once a person understands that their life has a great purpose, then we can begin to change our perspective on why we are going through the things we are going through, and why things are they way they are. In other words, we all begin to look at our circumstances and positions as life lessons for the road ahead.

Sometimes we may be in a situation because there is a lesson that has yet to be learned. You may feel stuck in a job, or may not have the income that you desire. Let’s ask the question, is there something that I am to learn in this stage? My favorite question is,

If someone were in this same situation how would I help them to get out?

There are times when we need to see past our own issues and look at our situation as opportunities to help someone else. It’s so easy to become self-consumed that we forget that we have the strength on the inside to pull through our situations. There may be others that need our insight and help. Maybe you are feeling stuck in the following areas. How can you help another person.

  1. Job
  2. Marriage
  3. Singleness
  4. Money (not enough of it)
  5. Relationship

The list can go on and on and on. Thus, there are steps that we can take that can help us to get a better perspective, feel, and understanding of our lives.

  1. HELP SOMEONE ELSE: We can learn about being stuck and becoming UNSTUCK is to use the experience to help someone else.
  2. CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE: Start looking at things with a positive attitude and spirit.
  3. LIST ALL OF YOUR POSITIVE LESSONS: Make a list of all of the positive lessons, your new outlook, and inspiring reasons to continue to move forward and to be the best you can be.

For example: If you feel stuck in your career and your job, then.. a) be thankful that you have a job to pay the bills, 2) find ways to inspire yourself and your team in the midst of an uncomfortable environment, 3) look for ways to create new projects that support the company but improves your professional skills..whether you get credit for it on your performance review or not. GRADE YOURSELF. 4) BE THANKFUL and give thanks for ALL of the blessings that have been given to you.  Have a heart of gratitude. Never let a job, person, or situation take your joy, life, or happiness.

Did you see that? Now, do that for all of the areas of your life that you may feel stuck. As you go through the journey and process, you will become inspired by your own strength & become “unstuck”! I know you will have a great experience!


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