Have A Friend Missing Mom? 3 Encouraging Tips To Show Support

Are you or a friend missing their mom because they have passed away? 

I know I sure do.Let’s talk about 3 tips to on how to be encouraged through the journey of grief recovery!  I believe that when we are surrounded by good and positive people we can support each other to grow to reach our potential. Sometimes, supporting each other means to support a friend during a time of grief. Perhaps, you are the person that needs support during this season. One way to get comfort is to know that you are not alone. Our mothers are irreplaceable. 

It is that time of year again! Mother’s Day season!

It is that time when we begin to see all of the sales and promotions on how to show appreciation and love for the special mother in our lives. This is the time for the Pastor’s annual special message to all of the mothers in their congregations and the long lines at every buffet restaurant. Not forgetting, the Muffins and Mommy events that take place at almost every school. Even though the love and appreciation of a mother could not be summed up on one day, but many people try to express how they feel on that day. 

I was that person. I took a lot of pride in celebrating Mother’s Day. I would go the extra mile to ensure that I was able to show my appreciation. This was the case until my mother went home to be with the Lord after a courageous and amazing battle with breast cancer. At the time of her passing, I did not know that it would affect how I felt during the Mother’s Day holiday season, until my first Mother’s Day without her.

Our Questions and Need For Support 

There are such a wide range of emotions. On one side, we can have comfort and joy in knowing that our mothers are in a better place. On the other side, we may miss them deeply and wished she was here with me. Your friend may feel as though they still needed a mother when their mother made their transition.

Thus, they could be uncertain about life. We all may have questions and desire answers.

Some of these answers may not ever get answered in the way we want to, but we can join together to get the continually support that we need. 

If you or a friend are grieving this Mother’s Day season, I want to encourage you in that you are not alone. Share the message of comfort with your friends and family everywhere. Here are 3 tips on how to be an encourager and a support to your friends as they journey through the grief recovery of their irreplaceable mother. 

1. Allow Them To Be Themselves 

Do not try to tell anyone how they should feel or grieve. Allow them to be themselves and give them space to deal with the holiday season as they choose. The only requirement is that they do so in a way that is healthy. If they are not handling the pain in a way that is healthy, then you may want to offer some additional help and services. 

2. Allow Them To Share Their Story

Allow them the space share the story of their mother and the experiences that they have had. It does not matter whether the experience was good or bad. It is more about them getting to a place where they will talk about their experiences and share their truth. 

3. Allow Them To Be Human 

Let your friend be a human being. They do not have to have it right or have all of the answers. Grief has many different layers to it. It is not the same for each person. This is the season of life where we want to stay away from sounding judgmental or uncaring. We want to give empathy and support in any way that we can. 

By doing these 3 things, you can help support your friend with the loss of their mother during this Mother’s Day season. Always, remember, that being a good friend or being good to yourself starts with being authentic to who you are and your purpose. 

I hope this tips will help you and encourage you! 

Remember, you can do this! You can live an empowered life! 

To Your Success! 

~ Lorinda 


I hope you enjoyed this short story based upon the principles of Coaching and Training.

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Lorinda Buckingham


Lorinda Buckingham is the Creator and Founder of Modern Empowerment, and is a Certified Coach, Speaker, & Trainer by the John Maxwell Team!

Lorinda Buckingham helps individuals discover powerful simple to use strategies on how to grow as leaders, enhance their career, and build the business of their dreams, and never again worry about not having what it takes to succeed!

Clients gain personalized attention and customized packages that meets the needs of their organization. Lorinda delivers amazing value by sharing proven principles in empowerment and leadership. Professionalism, friendliness, and authenticity and the hallmark for Lorinda and Modern Empowerment.

To Connect With Lorinda, go to www.LorindaBuckingham.com/connect

To Work With Lorinda go to www.LorindaBuckingham.com, or call 678-826-2990 or email info@LorindaBuckingham.com for Keynote Speaking, Corporate Training, Professional Leadership Development, Career Development or Coaching.

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