Skills Gap Holding You Back?

Skills Gap Holding You Back?

Are skills gap holding you back in your career or costing your company’s growth? Discover 4 tips on how to identify & close skills gap to reach your goals.

Most of us want to get the new job or promotion, right? Who doesn’t want to put their name in the hat for their next raise or opportunity? Each of us have our own goals that we want to accomplish. Skills gaps can hinder us from reaching our goals This is why it can become frustrating if we are not seeing the results because of a skills gap in our careers. Failing to understand the skills gap your life or your company can make you less competitive in the industry.

Today, I am going to share 4 amazing tips on how to identify and close your skills gap. Using these easy steps to identify your skills gap will help you to see where you need to apply your focus. Now, don’t be stingy! If you read something that you like about skills gap, share with your friends.

Here we go! Let’s identify our skills gap!

What Is Expected Of You And What Are You Able To Do? 

Is there a gap between what you are expected to do and what you currently know or are able to do?

Job seekers, employers, or entrepreneurs know this tip to be true! Job candidates should strive to be qualified in the position they are seeking. Skills, talents, knowledge of the industry and job should be an internal requirement. Review where you are and evaluate where you want to be. Areas that do not match the performance requirements are the skills gap areas in our career and business path.

Take Personal Inventory 

Take personal inventory to identify your strengths and your weaknesses

By taking a personal inventory on your strengths, it allows for you to evaluate how you can leverage your strengths for your next job opportunity or business. Your strengths are the areas that you are good at and that adds value to your group. Your strengths may include your education background, how well you can work with people, your ability to get the job done, and your soft skills in leadership that can give you the extra edge to be a strong candidate. Some weaknesses may include not having a skills gap to perform a job, not having strong soft skills, and having difficulty to lead teams. After review of your strengths and weaknesses, you can identify your skills gap so that you can start to work on moving the next level in your professional goals.

What Direction Is Your Organization Going? 

What direction is my organization going and what will they need from staff in the future?

Management and Entrepreneurs alike must make this internal inventory of the vision for the company versus the skills gap of the team that work with them. Meeting annual performance targets in sales, marketing, health care, banking, and more, the organization requires having people who can perform those jobs. Take the time to review the skills gap level of your team. Set your desired target for your organization. The difference between where your organization is going versus what you will need from your staff are your skills gap.

What Are Your Goals Over The Next 3-5 Years? 

What are my goals over the next three to five years?

This is a great assessment for all people. Goal setting for the next 3 to 5 year time span will help you place real targets with your aspirations. Where do you see yourself in your career in the next 3 years or 5 years? Where do you see your company? Create a clear mental image of what they are and write them down. Have fun with this. Personal goals can be included. Look at your personal life and ask yourself where you would like to be. Identify your skills gap. Merge your personal and professional goals together. This will be your comprehensive skills gap list. Use it to understand your goals and to get the training needed to go the next level.

Kudos to you for taking these tips! Now, let’s close your skills gap!

Here’s to your freedom, balance, and faith for success!


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